06/21/2002 "Simple Motions" in English language.

Recently the band "Taty" (pronounced tah-too) returned from the USA, where they have recorded a new song, "Simple Motions" in English. Lena and Yulia also gave an interview for the high rating TV program of American MTV: "TRL". The girls then left for a photo-session to one of the best known woman photographer, who has made thousands of photographs of different music stars for the covers of compact discs. It is necessary to note the makeup technicians on the shooting scene are also pretty famous. They repeatedly make up Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Fortunately for "Taty-sheik" they did not put on the same amount of cosmetics usually seen on the faces of American stars. However, "Taty" got five hair-dos and the same number of makeovers in one day. Of course the girls did not forget about shopping. "Taty" had managed all this in just two days. Their new album "Taty" will be released in the States very soon, which was actual reason this entire trip was organized.

Let us recall that very recently in Moscow, the presentation of the new clip to the song "Simple Motions" took place. The video came out shocking. During the entire video clip the girls are preoccupied with self-pleasuring, and the authors of the clip claim that this was completely not a game, but a properly fulfilled job. It is interesting, but at the same time strange that the parents of the girls were present at the presentation of the clip, who probably tolerate the absolute absence of complexes in their children. The visitors and deputies of the Gosduma, which in spite of constant threats to ban similar liberties, very tolerantly responded to "Simple Motions" playing on the screen. Some governor's even showed their admiration.

It is necessary to note that "Taty-mania" is already a well-known phenomenon in Russia, whose consequences are not predicted. For example, during one of the "Taty" concerts, the public got so excited and hot from the view of young lesbians (or maybe just well pretending young actresses) that they began to throw down their own clothes and were almost ready for group pleasures. It seems, the management of the band knows on what to press: Teenage lust. It is clear that it creates popularity to the duet "Taty".